New in TopTurnier V9.7 WDSF-Edition
- New: Optimizations for Solos + Duos Std/Lat competitions
- New: HTML export extended by heat list export (while running competition)
- New: Direct FTP upload after Export is now stored in the "default" and does not always have to be clicked manually for each export
- New: Automatic HTML export in the competition process can now also be automatically uploaded to the web server via FTP with the list selection saved as a preselection (to do this, it is necessary to save the FTP upload as "default" selection)
- New: All additional tools of TopTurnier can now also unpack tt9 files independently without the main program of TopTurnier having to do this beforehand. This means that the previous strict sequence of program openings is no longer necessary.
- New: WDSF ranking download for solos, star assignment according to solo rankings
- New: New DAS version V9.71 (for >= Android 8.0) and V9.53 (for < Android 8.0)
- New: Possibility to upload to WDSF sandbox instead of to the live system (see Options -> Online)
- New: TopVideo updated to 9.7 with WDSF flag for AIN dancers
- Changed: TabletServer/MonitorServer/Beamer/Video: The notification via network message about new data now waits for the finished saving of the competition data on the network drive. This improves the stability of the tools on slow drives or networks
- Changed: TopTurnier and the DAS now also support class 16 networks (
- Fixed: Global number assignment: Manually changing a global number caused problems
- Fixed: misc. smaller problems solved
New in TopTurnier V9.5 WDSF-Edition
- New: Support for Solo competitions Standard/Latin
- New: Support for ProAm competitions (DAS V9.50 mandatory. Please check the resp. QuickGuide doc)
- New: Support for DSE Database result uploads
- New: Support for Windows 11 and for high-resolution screens
- New: Support for Senior V
- New: New features in TopVideo (further improvements Dec-2023)
- Changed: Competition workflow with DAS optimized
- Changed: WDSF DB result uploads optimized
- Changed: Stability of DigiServer improved
- Fixed: Hanging problem on manual input masks for AJS (Dec-2023)
- Fixed: misc. smaller problems solved
New in TopTurnier V9.2 WDSF-Edition
- New: Now supporting Bboys and Bgirls Breaking Battles with a basic Battle mode (like hand signs) and a 10 points Pre-selection/Preliminary. These modes need DAS V9.07.
- New: Possibility prepared for dancer Alias names. Activated for Breaking
- New: FTP-Uploader in HTML export dialog is now supporting SFTP (SSH encrypted FTP) and FTPES (explizite FTP via TLS/SSH)
- New: File format is now tt9 (Startlists format extended and now future-proof)
- New: Backup function is now writing ZIP files instead of folders with hundreds of single files
- New: DAS app V9.07
- New: TopCheckin is now able to be switched to be a self-checkin. The implemented laptop camera can scan ID card bar codes
2 possible modes: A) contact less (only check-in), B) using a touchscreen laptop (additionally can de-register single entries) - New: AJS scores analysis report for AJS competition rounds
- Changed: Optimizations for MonitorServer
- Changed: Stability of DAS system improved. Now risk of data loss futherly reduced
- Fixed: misc. smaller problems solved
New in TopTurnier V9.0b WDSF-Edition (build 201218)
- New: AJS comps: New possibility to generate heats of size 1 in preliminaries to generate a start order in online events with using the usual solo dance AJS scores (2 components like in solo dances in finals).
- Changed: Improved stability of TopTurnier dialogs with WebJudge
- Changed: When generating a new WebJudge event WebJudge is now sending an email to the organizer with an easy login link for the judges.
- Changed: TopVideo is now able to handle competitions with one round only
- Fixed: Connection issues to TopTurnier.de and Competition-entry.com
- Fixed: WebJudge problem with AJS
- Fixed: WebJudge timezone problems outside Europe
New in TopTurnier V9.0a WDSF-Edition
- New: TopTurnier Online Entry system is now able to handle competitions with limited number of participants and registrations onto a waiting list
- New: TopTurnier prepared for events with limited number of participants and waiting list
- Fixed: Checkin: IP address could not get determined
- Fixed: WDSF AJS: heat list generation did not work sometimes
- Fixed: misc. smaller problems solved
New in TopTurnier V9.0 WDSF-Edition
- New Tool: WebJudge: This tool allows to judge online competitions. This first version supports Cross marks, Skating, AJS3.0 (solo+group)
WebJudge is free for all customers with DAS licenses.
If you are interested in WebJudge please contact me by email for details. - New: TopTurnier competition dialogs: Round definition dialog completely re-designed. Now number and order of dances and heat definition all on this one dialog.
- New: Entry fees: Much more possibilities to define different types of entry fees. E.g. time dependent fees (price steps), additional method: one price for 1st entry, from 2nd different price
- New: DAS: Version 8.90
- Fixed: misc. smaller problems solved
New in TopTurnier V8.9 WDSF-Edition (build 191127)
- New: TopVideo: Change Key color for ChromaKey, Deactivate fade out timer, and more
- New: TopMonitor: Schedule editor, Show eliminated couples, Show editable Info text
- New: DAS: Version 8.88
- New: Define multiple sets of Autoprint and select it in the competition
- New: Copy function for Autoprint sets and Diploma/startnumber designs
- New: Showdance: Add info about music titles to couples (and show it on TopVideo)
- Changed: TabletServer now with FileOpen button
- Changed: Checkin: If online, then the WDSF API is asked for allowed competition
entries (helps especially for U21)
- Fixed: Problem with heat generator at Single Dance competitions
- Fixed: misc. smaller problems solved
New user guides in download section: Guides and documents
- New: Guide: Working with Networks
- New: Guide: Working with TopTurnier Wifi DAS
New in TopTurnier V8.8a WDSF-Edition (build 190601)
- New: Now programs and installer with signature
- New: Better cooperation with WDSF CRS
- New: Upload to WDSF DB optimized
- New: DSE result export
- Fixed: Sometimes a strange "access violation" happened at competition start
- Fixed: TabletServer at AJS: Missing files added. Now Adj. status and timer is shown and CHP can start the timer himself
- Fixed: misc. smaller problems solved
New in TopTurnier V8.8 WDSF-Edition (build 190324)
- New: Generate and administrate Adjudicators panels
- New: TopMonitor: Now shows imported schedules with half-automatically adapting times
- New: AJS: Duel Final for PD SuperGrandPrix (only in combination with new DAS app version V8.74)
- New: TopVideo is now able to present data for all competitions (not only AJS competitions). Colorscheme for non-AJS competitions can be configured by user.
- New: TopVideo can now present Duel Final scores (kiss+cry)
- New: TopVideo: Show advertisement images or photos
- New: TopVideo: When connected with a Blackmagic device able to export Fill and Key, TopVideo is now able to deliver HDTV broadcast overlays with (semi-)transparencies.
- New: TabletServer at AJS: Now Adj. status and timer is shown and CHP can start the timer himself
- New: New statistic Medal count
- New: DAS app V8.74: AJS Duel final on 8inch devices
- Changed: WDSF-AJS: Result export with single scores now shows tooltip with judged component
- Changed: TopProjector: Flag rendering on slow machines is now faster
- Fixed: AJS: Problem fixed with component assignment, when dance order is not solo-grp-grp-grp-solo
- Fixed: MonitorServer: Problem with heatlist fixed
- Fixed: misc. smaller problems solved
New in TopTurnier V8.7 WDSF-Edition
- Fixed: Problem fixed for events with more than 15 DAS in total.
- Fixed: Problem fixed import of starters from WDSF entry system
New in TopTurnier V8.7 WDSF-Edition
- New: Mobile app myHeats now available for WDSF competitions.
Send the couples their individual heats and qualification status onto their mobile phones. For more info see Program functions > myHeats - New: Improvements for AJS3.0
- New: Function in WDSF menu for online check of all licenses (CHP, Adj, couples)
- New: MIN numbers now indexed for faster search in TopCheckin
- New: Layout of printable startnumber can be pre-selected in CompData
- New: Android-DAS V8.65, now with support for 8inch AJS
- New: TopVideo V8.7 (incl. GrandSlam graphics)
- Changed: CSV import of starters now selectable as UTF8 or ASCII
- Fixed: DAS at AJS3.0 could not be moved back by DAS special function to judging from signature screen (DAS 8.65 needed)
- Fixed: misc. smaller problems solved
New in TopTurnier V8.6a WDSF-Edition
- New: Timed backups work now in background without nerving status popup
- New: DAS Version 8.60
- Fixed: Problem at showing component info of CP on DAS in AJS mode solved
- Fixed: misc. smaller problems solved
New in TopTurnier V8.6 WDSF-Edition
- New: Redesigned Menu control in main program
- New: Download of assigned officials from WDSF web system
- New: TopProjector: Dialogs now can be shown alternatively in "Dark style".
- New: DAS Version 8.54 available, possibility for DAS event licences
- Changed: improved result upload to WDSF API for comps with assigned officials
- Changed: WDSF-AJS3.0: default tolerance values adapted to new requirements
- Fixed: misc. smaller problems solved
New in TopTurnier V8.5 WDSF-Edition
- New: TabletServer: Now able to be a Homescreen-Icon-WebApp on Android devices, too (additionally to iPad). Min. Chrome 38 (Oct.14) needed
- New: TabletServer: Status of Adjudicator DAS log-in or completion now shown live on Title page
- New: Status info about incomplete event/competition data with more precise info (TopTurnier windows footer). In case of errors now marked in red.
- New: Website export: now selectable, if non-started comps shall be included in export or not
- New: DAS Version 8.51 available
- Changed: misc. improvements in AJS handling
- Changed: improvements for Showdance competitions
- Changed: OpenSSL for HTTPS communication with WDSF API and TopTurnier entry system now updated to V1.02n
- Fixed: TopProjector: Heats auto-update now changing correctly in 1st heat of 1st dance of 2nd section
- Fixed: misc. smaller problems solved
New in TopTurnier V8.4c WDSF-Edition
- New: AJS 3.0: now scores out of tolerance visible while round is running
- New: AJS 3.0: Printed Qualification report now available for AJS 3.0
- New: Formation: Improvements on printed reports
- New: TopProjector: now automatic timing for AJS 3.0 views
- New: DAS: PIN request much faster now (nearly immediate, DAS V8.48 required)
- Changed: TopMonitor: Lines now with alternating background color for better readability
- Fixed: misc. smaller problems solved
New in TopTurnier V8.4b WDSF-Edition
- New: AJS 3.0 with Digital Adj. Sheets natively in TopTurnier.
Now additionally for ShowDance and Formation
AJS 3.0 now Possible with 8, 10, 12, 14 judges
DAS update to version 8.46 required. - New: AJS 3.0 Solo dances: Not repeating draw for 1st and last position for same couples
- New: TopProjector: now AJS 3.0 with WDSF graphics 2017 additionally for PD
- New: TabletServer: AJS 3.0 final with score overview
- New: TabletServer: Password protection for live rating in finals
- New: Sort competitions by Begin time, Comp number, manually by drag+drop
- New: Print selected Judges and Officials directly from dialog Classes data
- Fixed: misc. smaller problems solved
New in TopTurnier V8.4 WDSF-Edition
- New: JS 3.0 with Digital Adj. Sheets natively in TopTurnier.
DAS update to version 8.41 required. - New: Now writing JS data to TV exchange folder (configure in Options->WDSF Judg. System)
- New: TopProjector: now JS 3.0 with WDSF graphics 2017 (kiss&cry, qualified, results etc)
- New: Webexport: Responsive design adapted to JS3.0
- New: Teacher&Student added
- New: Competition grade: "Individual Grade" added to allow any national grades
- Changed: Officials/Adj. Schedule now compatible with competitions beginning on one day and ending on next day
- Fixed: misc. smaller problems solved
New in TopTurnier V8.3b WDSF-Edition
- New: TopProjector: now JS 2.1 with WDSF graphics 2017 (kiss&cry, qualified, results etc)
- New: TopProjector with DAS: Heats projection: Option for automatic heat change
- New: Webexport: New responsive design. 6 different color schemes to choose
- New: Diplomas: When reprinting the diploma for a single couple, now lady diploma selectable
- Changed: On all printed reports now printing time at lower right corner
- Fixed: misc. smaller problems solved
New in TopTurnier V8.3 WDSF-Edition
- New: JS 2.1 with Digital Adj. Sheets natively in TopTurnier.
WDSF allowance for World Open, World+Euro Championships.
DAS update to version 8.33 required. - New: Data storage format revised. Now storing tt8 archives.
tt7 archives will be backuped to \events\!backup\ before converted. - New: WDSF competition import from WDSF API
- New: Starter import from WDSF entry system
- New: Optimizations for WDSF checksums
- Changed: TopProjector: English localization improved
- Fixed: misc. smaller problems solved
New DAS app V8.33 (please update your devices)
- New: WDSF-Checksums: Optimizations
- New: DAS implementation of JS 2.1 completed
New in TopTurnier V8.2a WDSF-Edition
- New: TopProjector: Flags at "Podium" and at "Show current participant" are now animated with wind effect
- New: DAS: Layout of DAS observation dialog in competition optimized. Now it is much easier to find missing judges and to see which judges have finished
- New: Stability of DAS transmission improved
- New: Combi comps with 6/8-Dances are now named 6-Dance/8-Dance instead of Combi
- New: WDSF-Checksums: At end of a competition one can select to print checksums for all comps of the judges or only of this comp
- New: WDSF-Checksums: At JS2.1-comps one can print the checksums at begin of round-24.
- New: Reports Adj./Officials Schedule sorted by comp start times. Schedules now can be printed day wise or completely
- New: It is now possible to print Startlists and Revised Startlists for a whole day (each comp on a new page)
- Changed: Improved data stability of event data in network environments
- Changed: Print-out Table of Results: After preview it is possible to print only this recently displayed page
- Fixed: Classes Data: Scrolling through classes using arrow keys sometimes caused a crashed dataset. Now solved.
- Fixed: Problems solved with Autoprint of V8.1b
- Fixed: Problems solved with printing of Adjudicator sheets with startnumbers sorted heat list/start order
- Fixed: misc. smaller problems solved
New DAS app V8.26 (please update your devices)
- New: WDSF-Checksums: Abort button implemented on checksum dialog for cases of forgotten Adjudicator passwords
- New: DAS preparations for implementation of JS 2.1 (whole 2.1 available most probably in Jan-2017)
New in TopTurnier V8.1b WDSF-Edition
- New: WDSF checksum system to guarantee rating integrity
- New: Android DAS: New version 8.21 incl. checksum system, send modified marks target, set DAS back to certain dance/heat, remove starter immediately from comp and from DAS
- New: global start numbers now can begin with any number
- New: print out of event program: header of startlists now much more space-saving
- New: Checkin with global numbering: now selectable how many copies of a single start number shall be printed
- New: Printing from main program: preview now can be chosen additionally from printing dialog
- Changed: Checkin with global numbering: now search for start numbers possible
- Changed: presentation at first dance report now printing number of starters of each heat in heat header
- Fixed: startlist report sometimes forgot to print adj short sings
- Fixed: copying of officials/adjudicators sometimes crashed the dataset of target comps
- Fixed: error fixed in event program print-out: title page was not able to print judges with short signs with gaps, e.g. BC, DE, XX
- Fixed: it was possible to close an event archive, even when a comp was opened with a dialog window
- Fixed: in some event network environments the event dataset crashed when Digiserver was running and simultaneously a new adjudicator was entered
- Fixed: misc. smaller problems solved
New in TopTurnier V8.0b WDSF-Edition
- New: New WDSF webserver supported (main communication did not work anymore after exchanging WDSF webserver)
- New: DAS: when signed DAS rounds are available info is shown in DAS communication dialog
- Changed: DAS at 10 dance: PIN activation will be automatically removed when scrutineer is going back from 2nd section
- Fixed: sample print out of diplomas/start numbers was not possible without opened event archive
- Fixed: misc. smaller problems solved
New in TopTurnier V7.7 WDSF-Edition
- New: New layout of startlist edit dialog
- New: Organizer and Executor now selectable per competition.
- New: Central dancefloor administration in event data
- New: Android DAS: judges now can select their language on DAS start page WR. The selected language will be offered automatically in the next round. Separate DAS update necessary.
- New: TopProjector: Define spare screen borders, Clipping at scrolling
- Changed: Dialog event data accelerated
- Changed: Dialog classes data accelerated
- Changed: Dialog edit startlists: scrolling with arrow keys accelerated
- Changed: TopProjector: at fixed heats is now shown "all dances" instead of each single dances
- Changed: TopProjector: when start order: recent participant and open marks now in start order
- Changed: TopProjector: scrolling now faster at big screen resolutions
- Changed: TopProjector: list of flags updated
- Changed: all stored online access data now encrypted (WDSF, FTP)
- Changed: templates for web export: now Ascii and UTF8 files accepted
- Changed: upload of startlists to WDSF now even possible after first competition start
- Changed: comps with JS2.x: result upload (marks) at begin of first JS round sufficient
- Fixed: now all dialogs opening centered to main dialog.
Now no problems anymore with extended screen desktop. - Fixed: report officials/adjudicators schedule: page breaks optimized
- Fixed: Digiserver: Combination: sporadic problems with dance names in 2nd section solved
- Fixed: copying of an open event now first stores the archive
- Fixed: TopProjector: heat list: problems solved at comp or round change
- Fixed: start menu at multi-day events: in two column menus for days the problems with day status icon is now fixed
- Fixed: Startlist: loss of app focus when closing the progress dialog is now fixed
- Fixed: searching starters: sometimes the changing of presence status of found starters was not possible
New in TopTurnier V7.6 WDSF-Edition
- New: Android-DAS: Allways live data transmission. Please download DAS version 8.01
- New: Android-DAS: Judges are able to select their preferred language themselves (DAS version update necessary)
- New: Event data: New tab: Dance floors for defining the floors at multi-floor events
- New: TopProjector: Define clipping border to limit text to certain area of the screen. Usefull at background images with ads.
- New: TopProjector: Price presentation with Podium
- New: TopProjector: Show heats with automatic rotation (e.g. useful at breaks before rounds)
- Changed: DAS: Increased security for combination comps at changing sections with activated PIN service
- Changed: Speed up forms: Event data, classes data, starters
- Changed: Define organizer and executor comp by comp
- Changed: Upload startlists of non-started comps to WDSF after some comps are already started
- Fixed: WDSF download and upload did not work anymore after WDSF transferred their servers to a new structure. Now working again.
- Fixed: DAS: Sometimes in ten dance the names of section dances were uploaded wrong to the devices
- Fixed: several small bugs
New in TopTurnier V7.6a (Build 1305) WDSF-Edition
- Fixed: Startlist by class editor: Auto-completion for starters did not work
- Fixed: WDSF-Upload of only startlists was not possible (Comps were greyed)
New in TopTurnier V7.6 WDSF-Edition
- New: Data interface to WDSF software Judging System 2.x
- New: WDSF-DB: Download of world ranking list for viewing, printing and automatic assignment of star couples
- New: WDSF-DB: Download Formation Teams
- New: WDSF-DB: Separate function for uploading starters to WDSF website before start of competition
- New: Android-DAS: New devices certified for DAS use
- New: Android-DAS: Data tranfer protocol optimized. Faster and with higher transfer security
- New: DAS: Network load of DigiServer reduced drastically
- New: DAS with PIN: Report PIN-Listing from within competition with only the judges of this comp
- New: Checkin: possibility to hide buttons for new registrations on competition day, by another option it is possible to forbid re-activations of already excused couples
- New: Diploma print-out: When printed 2 diplomas by couple, now one diploma with Man/Lady and the other one with Lady/Man will be printed
- New: Maximum number of judges rised to 17 per comp
- New: TopMonitor now can show info in up to 3 columns on high resolution screens.
- New: Starter search: if acronyms (short signs) are used it is possible to search couples for name check by <acronym>-<no> (e.g. YOS-15)
- New: Starter search: it is now possible to search for WDSF MIN numbers. In the search result the MINs wil always be shown now
- New: Export of result ranking in XML formate
- New: Starter statistics: Country statistics over all participants
- Changed: Competition program: On changing and moving of background window the front windows will be automatically centered on the background window
- Changed: Each sinlge report listing type (e.g. qualified, diplomas, etc.) is independantly remembering the used printer number. Therefore there will be printed less fail prints, e.g. on the diploma printer
- Changed: Adjudicator sheets print-out: Layout modernised
- Changed: Report Heat list by couples: At fixed heats multiple columns will be printed instead of multiple pages
- Changed: DAS: More functions for reducing risks of data loss by wrong usage (e.g. it is not possible to upload a whole round/section again after finished round data was received)
- Changed: Lists-Autoprint is not showing a dialog window anymore, is now printing directly
- Changed: Options for printing/exporting of names extended with by country. With selecting that option, names from many asiatic countries and from e.g. Hungary will be printed/exported country typical in order LN FN
- Fixed: DAS with PIN: Entering new judges often delivered a protection violation warning on closing the window event data
- Fixed: Checkin: printing of manual numbers now again with selectable numbers range
- Fixed: Global start numbers: When importing starters after defining the global numbering wrong numbers were assigned
- Fixed: Starter search: Context menu function Edit starter (complete startlist) did not jump to the starter
- Fixed: TopProjector: On some Windows installations the file window and the control window opened on the wrong screen
- Fixed: Competition program: The window select starters for next round did not give a warning for not-checked-in **-couples
- Fixed: Call of import dialog: Cause for Error 103 found and solved
- Fixed: Import of e-registrations: import protocol fixed
- Fixed: Problems solved with re-activation of star couples after beginning of their first round
New in TopTurnier V7.4b WDSF-Edition
- New: TopMonitor modified for formation competitions
- Changed: Button Global Numbering is now inactive after start of a competition
- Fixed: Global startnumbers: Problems with late registrations when startnumbers sorted different than by entry order
- Fixed: It was possible to crash an opened event when accidentially clicked on New Event
- Fixed: Crash problem in Window Final result solved
New in TopTurnier V7.4a WDSF-Edition
- New: Global startnumbers: Now available for all competitions. Type of numbering can be modified for already entered starters
- New: Window "Event data": Input mask of Officials and Judges altered, now with search function
- New: TopProjector: Additional function: Screen centered digital clock. New option: Show analogue clock while heat list
- New: Startnumber/Diploma-Designer: New parameter for text: "Stretch" for shrinking and stretching of text (in 5% steps from 50% to 150%)
- New: WDSF DB: Function for deleting incomplete WDSF uploads
- New: Possible to define 2 Comperes per competition
- New: Startlist: Print start numbers from context menu
- New: Startlist: Function for distributing star couples to a regular number distance
- Changed: Better readable print-outs: Font changed, now without serifs
- Changed: Startlist "all starters" with Checkin: Couple added to comp now causes question if it should immediately be checked-in
- Fixed: 10dance: Mark input mask prel. rounds: Dance names were wrong
- Fixed: Network mode: Startlist "all starters": Adding comps to couples sometimes wrote wrong startnumbers
- Fixed: WDSF-MINs of Adj.: Deleting of a judge mixed the list of MINs
- Fixed: Export dialogue: Path dialog was old windows standard
- Fixed: Txt-Export Title page/Program always stopped at the welcome text
- Fixed: Network mode: Menu start competition is not flickering anymore
- Fixed: TopProjector: Version conflict solved
New in TopTurnier V7.3d WDSF-Edition
- New: Checkin: Now proof of new couples possible (if connected with internet)
- New: Online check of all starters before start of competition (if connected with internet)
- New: Communication with WDSF DB: writes errors into log file (\events\rlslog.txt)
- Changed: Communication with WDSF DB: keeps competitions open if error occurred in upload
- Fixed: TopTurnier Online-Entry-system: Sometimes the download function did not download all starters
- Fixed: Wifi-DAS: Events with special characters in event name did not connect
New in TopTurnier V7.3c WDSF-Edition
- New: New function: New from old event
- New: Diploma and number designers store images in the diploma+nmbr directory
- New: Send to email/Copy to usb-stick: Transfer of diploma/number images
- New: TopProjector: Usage of TopProjector now possible before the first comp. is started
- New: TopProjector: Heat list can be selectable shown by dance or by heat
- Changed: Classes data: Number of selected judges is shown
- Changed: Startlist by class: Number of active couples is shown
- Changed: Databases: Window layout changed
- Changed: Entry web: Now with HTTPS security
- Changed: Entry web: Completely modified to UTF-8
- Changed: WDSF-DB: Check if chairman is selected and having MIN
- Changed: WDSF-DB: Judges MIN: MIN will be re-searched if name of judge is changed
- Fixed: DAS: Problems solved with double finals
- Fixed: DAS: Function for late starters now accepts 20 couples per heat
- Fixed: TabletServer: Problems solved with events including 10dance competition
- Fixed: WDSF-DB: Problems with startlist uploading solved
- Fixed: Security: Passwords: Problems solved
- Fixed: Several smaller problems
Older news 2007-2012